The primary focus in the second quarter of the ‘Do Better’ implementation process was on the continuing development of a truth telling model through which stories and experiences can be told in a safe and supportive environment that will enable healing to begin.

Simultaneously, the club reconsidered its values and with significant input from a working group drawn from athletes and staff reimagined and revised the values. Recognition for the place of First Australians and an explicit anti-racist value were written into the ‘who’ and ‘why’ of Collingwood’s purpose.

The club remains committed to honouring the ‘Do Better’ report by implementing all of the recommendations within it. Action must follow intent. With this, Collingwood also remains committed to informing our members and the broader Collingwood community of this work.

On Monday, September 27, the club will be hosting an online member forum to provide a live second quarter update on ‘Do Better’ and to discuss the club’s framework for responding to racism.

We hope you can join us.