Leading in to the 2023 season, Isaac Quaynor had big aspirations.

While his first four seasons at the Club had been solid, he wanted to take it to a new level following the 2022 Preliminary Final.

So, the defender did some goal setting.

“I’m a big believer in manifestation. At the start of the year, I got a whiteboard behind my TV in my room,” Quaynor told the Dyl & Friends podcast.

“I wrote at the start of the year my three goals were to make the All-Australian team – which was close and to be honest at that point that was quite farfetched for me, so to even be in the squad was pretty cool.

“The second one was to win a premiership and then the third one was either start or invest in a business and the year’s not over yet.”

So, with one goal achieved and the other two very nearly coming to fruition, Quaynor treated himself – even though his mother might not have approved.

“I went and bought myself a nice watch,” he said.

“I haven’t told Mum yet because she will crack it…but it’s a timeless piece and it’s going to be with me for a long time.

“This would’ve been on there (the whiteboard) but if Mum came into my room and saw it she would’ve cracked them but I’m very lucky.”

But don’t think it means Quaynor is content with where he’s at.

Vision of the 23-year-old running in the gym just days after the premiership encapsulates the drive Quaynor has to win again and again.

His 2023 rise saw him become one of the premier lockdown defenders in the competition, having lost just two one-on-one contests at one point late in the season.

He showcased that again with crucial final quarters during the finals series, but credits the connection in the Pies’ backline for his success.

“Whenever people speak about a strong defence they say that’s a team within a team,” he said.

“It really is true, we have a lot of experience down there and it is a real tight knit group.

“Every backman got their fingernail painted before the game and I’ll be rocking this until it comes off because I feel like it just connects me with those boys.

“We’ve had some really special moments throughout the year and have been able to celebrate Darcy especially in regards to his All-Australian year.

“It’s just such a strong back six or seven that has basically been unchanged over the last two or so years.”

As a Collingwood fan growing up, the fact he is now a premiership player for his boyhood Club is still sinking in.

“Throughout points I’ve taken a look at my desk and at my medal just hanging there and it doesn’t quite feel like it’s sunk in yet,” he said.

“Even just being able to celebrate with all my family and friends and people who have been there for a long time for me was a really special moment.

“We have the second biggest average crowd for a sports team in the entire world which to me is just unbelievable, it shows the power of the Magpie Army.

“Every game when we come out, they’re roaring.

“Even the Collingwood chant, as a Collingwood fan that brings tingles down my spine so it’s unreal.”

Isaac Quaynor’s 2023 stats

  • Ranked #1 at Collingwood for marks
  • Inaugural All-Australian squad selection
  • Played every game in 2023